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Getting Started
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Knowledge Base
Getting Started
Getting Started
The Dashboards
The Waste Module
TRACE Lunch & Learns
Gathering and Collating Data
TRACE Templates
Collecting data to copy & paste into TRACE
I'm a supplier...
Manage Suppliers
Your results
General FAQs
TRACE video tutorials
Getting Started
How does TRACE work?
Key Tips for adding data to TRACE
What data should I be measuring?
Using the TRACE online calculator
Where to get your data from?
What do the scopes mean for me?
What are the key steps to calculating the carbon footprint of my events?
The Dashboards
How to use: The Dashboards
How to use: The Events Dashboard
How to use: The Company Dashboard
The Waste Module
What is the 'everything else' category?
Waste Emissions - what is the difference between the waste total and the waste emissions total?
Waste total
Where did my waste go?
TRACE Lunch & Learns
TRACE Lunch & Learn Past Recordings
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