How to use: The Company Dashboard

The company dashboard allows you to view your entire company carbon footprint as well as breakdown your total footprint by event.

The company dashboard allows you to view your entire company's carbon footprint as well as break down your total footprint by the event.

When you click the Dashboard tab in the top right-hand corner you will immediately be brought to the Company Dashboard. To access the individual event dashboards, click 'Go to event dashboards' in the top right corner of the page.

Use the filter function to filter your footprint by event type, event name, client name, event status and country. 

Being able to view your entire company footprint over time helps you track your progress on your journey to net zero.


Screenshot 2022-12-13 at 16.31.05

Using the company dashboard to compare and contrast events 


Using the filter function you can view categories of events together such as by open/completed events or by client name. The breakdown by category function easily shows you the carbon footprint breakdown of these events side by side allowing you to compare multiple events at once.


All graphs are downloaded into a zip file by clicking download results.


Using the filter function you can view categories of events together such as by open/completed events or by client name. The breakdown by category function easily shows you the carbon footprint breakdown of these events side by side allowing you to compare multiple events at once.

All graphs are downloaded into a zip file by clicking download results.