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Knowledge Base
General FAQs
Getting Started
The Dashboards
The Waste Module
TRACE Lunch & Learns
Gathering and Collating Data
TRACE Templates
Collecting data to copy & paste into TRACE
I'm a supplier...
Manage Suppliers
Your results
General FAQs
TRACE video tutorials
General FAQs
Our top tips
How do I add users to TRACE
Do I have to complete every section
What do I do if the option I need isn't present on a drop-down list?
How are the reduction tips calculated
Glossary of Key Terms
Future development
Account Enquiries
Licence renewal
Troubleshooting and further support
Can you track your business operations?
Can you create more detailed bespoke Carbon Footprint reports?
Can you create a report that combines all my events?
Can I edit the report to send to clients
How do the calculations work?
How do I cancel an event?
Can I estimate an event’s carbon footprint in advance?
Can I edit the data once it's entered?
What happens if I am missing some data?
Where do I get the data from?
How long does it take to input an event?
How to set up an event across multiple venues
Updating Carbon Factors 2024
How to change the colours in TRACE?
Parent - Child events
How to change your password?