What do the scopes mean for me?

Scope 1, 2 and 3 is a way of categorising the different kinds of carbon emissions a company creates in its own operations, and in its event deliveries and wider value chain. Your carbon footprint for your events are broken down according to these and represented in the combined dashboard. 

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They have broadly been broken down below:

Scope 1 Emissions:

Direct emissions - i.e. the actual burning of fossil fuels in facilities or assets you own or control.

This will include emissions from gas combustion on-site in gas boilers, catering gas equipment, diesel-powered generators, lighting, heaters etc, and company-owned vehicles. 

Scope 2 Emissions:

Indirect emissions -  i.e. purchased electricity, steam, heat or cooling in facilities or assets you own or control.

In practice scope 2 emissions are usually purchased electricity and nothing else. These emissions are indirect because someone else has burnt fossil fuels to create the electricity you’re using. 

Scope 3 Emissions

As there are many stakeholders and moving parts within an event,  scope 3 will most often be the most significant contributor to your carbon footprint. It covers everything else that has involved you using energy indirectly.


- Indirect emissions from vehicles which are used as a result of your organisation's activities, but not owned or controlled by your company. Including; supplier transport, shipping/deliveries, crew travel, delegate travel, your staff journeys via personal vehicles, and your staff journeys via public transport (buses, trains, planes).


- Energy consumption emissions which are used as a result of your organisation's activities, but occur in facilities not owned or controlled by your company. Including energy used in; external permanent venues, temporary venues/structures, hotels/accommodation, and your staff working from home.


- Indirect production emissions from all supplier materials and catering ingredients which are used as a result of your organisation's activities.


- Indirect processing emissions from all waste, including incineration, landfilling and recycling.