You will most likely need to gather information from your suppliers, venues and colleagues, and TRACE has been designed to try to make this as simple as it can be.
The easiest way to engage your suppliers is to invite them to the platform so that they can directly input their data into the modules. There are also handy templates available in this resource bank that you can send to suppliers to ask them to provide the data to you in the right format. Making copy and pasting it into the platform is quick and easy.
To help introduce the concept of TRACE to your suppliers we’ve created an Introduction to TRACE document that you’re welcome to share with them, alongside the area-specific templates and associated guidance sheets. We recommend you build into your supplier contracts a commitment to providing the data that you need to measure your carbon footprint when tendering.
There are also supplier guides that can be sent out that have specific details on each of the modules that are measured in TRACE.
➔ Individual suppliers may need to be invited to multiple modules or need multiple templates as they may have data on trucking as well as crew travel, and other specific areas.
➔ The ‘Item / Supplier’ column is designed for them to enter their company
name (for your ease of use when compiling data from multiple suppliers)
and an item descriptor for them to keep track of.
➔ We recommend you use a Tracker document to not only log which
suppliers have returned their data but also to capture other qualitative
information to include alongside your carbon impact report. Having
information about decisions made throughout your project can help bring
your sustainability story to life.
➔ Not all sections will be relevant to every event, so the first step is to decide
what you want to measure and to communicate that with your suppliers.