1. Knowledge Base
  2. Gathering and Collating Data

Using TRACE in miles OR kilometres

TRACE now lets you choose the distance units for your events.

By default, all events are set up to use miles.  If you'd like to use kilometres instead, you can select those units when you create your event, or edit the event details page later.

If there are any distances already entered in the Travel & Transport modules, changing the units will change the data shown too.  You can always see the units in the 'Distance' column of the data table.  For example, we entered the data in miles ... 

... this event was then toggled from miles to kilometres, and now shows the distances below: 


The distance units can also be seen on the Single Event Dashboard, in the Travel & Transport table headings.  


  • You cannot mix-and-match units within the same event.  (e.g. you can't use miles for Audience Flights, and kilometres for Event Transport.)
  • If you are working with suppliers for Travel and Transport, make sure you've discussed with them which units you want them to use, whether they are entering data directly, or sending it over using template spreadsheets.
  • The Single Event Dashboard will use the distance units selected for the event.  Please be careful if you are comparing separate events that might use different units.
  • The units do not affect the Combined Events Dashboard; it will show the same emissions data regardless of distance units selected for any given event.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know at support@traceyour.events.

This feature was implemented after receiving requests from TRACE users, we always appreciate finding out more about what you'd like in TRACE.