How do I invite suppliers to the platform?
In your event homepage go to the ‘manage suppliers’ button. From here you can input supplier email addresses and assign the relevant modules to each of them as well as assigning each a due date. The supplier will each then get an invite email to login into the platform. Your suppliers do not have to be a TRACE customer to do this!
How do I delete suppliers from the platform?
From the event homepage go to ‘manage suppliers’. There will be a delete button to the right of your supplier details. If the supplier has already input data then this will remain in the platform.
My supplier has not added any data.
Not to worry, there are a couple of options here. Your first option is to send your supplier a reminder email from your event homepage to prompt them to input their data.
If this doesn't work, you can also input data,. We recommend including a due date for data input during the tender process with your suppliers.
I don't think that my suppliers data is showing up in my dashboard?
The data will only be pulled through once you have marked the specific supplier module as 'complete'. This button will appear once the supplier has logged in and marked the data as 'ready to review'. This way you are able to have the final say about what makes up your total event carbon footprint.
Can I change the modules I have invited my supplier to?
Yes, in ‘manage suppliers’. see the drop down list of modules and simply select/deselect as needed. Once saved, you can then send a reminder from the event management page to the supplier for a specific module to let your supplier know of the change.
How to update the due date?
On your event homepage and click ‘manage suppliers’. You can select a new date from here. You will need to send a reminder to your supplier to inform them of the change.
What should I put in notes?
The notes are just for you and your team to see. They can be used to track any conversations you’ve had with suppliers and to flag any issues or make note of any details of the supplier and when they’re planning to input data.
My supplier has not given enough data.
You can either edit the data yourself here, if the information is known, or alternatively you can contact your supplier and ask them to finish inputting the data. Use the notes section here to keep track of your conversations regarding this.
Your supplier data will not be pulled through to your event dashboard until you mark it as complete so don’t worry about this influencing your final figures.
Is there a TRACE approved suppliers list?
Not yet, no. This feature has been initially designed to help reduce the amount of time that event producers are having to spend collecting and inputting data whilst also creating the beginnings of a strong collaboration between you and your suppliers. In the future, an approved suppliers list is something we, here at TRACE, will be hoping to produce.
Where does external supplier data sit in my scopes?
External data will always fall into your scope 3 as you are not directly involved in the burning of fossil fuels. However as the majority of the carbon from events will fall into scope 3, we encourage you to be ambitious when using these figures to inform decisions on offsetting and reduction.
I’m a supplier, why should I enter my data into TRACE?
The events industry is becoming more focused on its sustainability and collecting accurate carbon measurement data is an essential part of making responsible decisions on the road to net zero. By engaging in this process as a supplier you are actively contributing to the quality of available data, helping to drive change via collaboration.
I’m a supplier, how do I enter my data into TRACE?
We have also created supplier guides that will give you information specific to the modules that are relevant to you. There are corresponding video guides that will walk you through each step of the process.